Be Attentive

More than 8 000 Close Corporations face deregistration by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) due to the fact that they don't have accounting officers.

Need to appoint an Accounting Officer? Contact us for more information Tel: 010 59 777 63 | Web:

In a notice (Notice 6 of 2018), the CIPC says upon reviewing its registers it has come to its attention that there are Close Corporations with in business status, but do not have Accounting Officers. This is due to the fact that initial Accounting Officers have resigned and the Close Corporations have not yet filled the vacancies and the 28 days provided for in the Act has elapsed.

This is a violation of Section 59 of the Close Corporation Act and may result in these Close Corporations being deregistered.

The CIPC therefore requests these Close Corporations to remedy the situation and for ease of reference has published the list of affected Close Corporations on its website under "Publications".

All applications for appointment of accounting officers must be submitted via e-mail to

Attentus Accounting & Tax Solutions has a survival kit available for symptoms of SARS

Severe Anxiety for Revenue Services (SARS) is a common affliction affecting millions of South Africans in all areas every year.

Symptoms begin to present themselves in the winter season from 1 July and continue to increase in severity towards a statistical peak for the epidemic in November every year.

NB: The incorrect management of SARS can leave victims suffering critical financial and sense of humour losses.

SYMPTOMS : Infected patients presenting two or more of the below symptoms are said to be infected by the SARS and should contact us immediately:

  1. Increased anxiety, desperation, confusion and/or fear. Fear can become terror.
  2. Spasms and/or fainting when presented with numerical calculations (particularly financial).
  3. Unprovoked and unwarranted explosions of outrage toward government institutions.
  4. Wild, crazy eyes.
  5. An abnormal level of affection for paper documents. In some cases presents as hoarding.
  6. Increased blood pressure, unless standing within long queues of similarly infected individuals.
  7. Speech becomes unintelligible, littered with bizarre acronyms (typically "IRP5", "IT3"). In some cases frothing mouth.

At Attentus Accounting and Tax Solutions we have a survival kit available for symptoms of SARS. The contents of this kit will be made available to our clients in order to survive the anticipated outbreak occurring this year from July. Should you begin to present any of the symptoms above, immediately contact Attentus to make use of the remedies included in our SARS survival kit.
